choose happiness -the elixir of life

What is happiness?

Aristotle, the renowned Greek Philosopher said happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of human existence.

Happiness is not a blank check on which you get to write any amount you want. For some people, the natural inclination would be to go out and blow it on some luxurious item that they think equates to being happy. Happiness is the elixir of life. It is a state of bliss where one experiences peace, enjoyment, fulfilment and calmness despite their circumstances. Many people have found it and are living their lives with purpose and meaning. However, some still do not know what happiness is and spend countless years chasing after it. They become fixated on the acquisition of more material goods, only to find themselves right where they started. Disillusionment often creeps in, forcing them to accept the notion that happiness is just an elusive dream. What they cannot realize is that material things are only temporary and do not bring long-lasting happiness.

Happiness is not a feeling. It is a choice that you make each day, followed by a determination to experience life in a new way by living uninhibited. It is a commitment that you make with yourself daily to walk on the path of happiness. Hence, upon awakening, you create the mindset to be happy despite the unforeseen that will always creep up to disrupt your plans and cause chaos. Cheerful people are always grateful and rarely complain about anything. Happiness is that state of mind you will achieve when you are in tune with your body – accepting of yourself, committing to goals and having a willingness to be content with whatever state you are in. It means loving yourself, your limitations, thankfulness, and striving each day to live a positive and fulfilled life.

Health Benefits of Happiness

When we are happy, our bodies respond positively by releasing healthy endorphins which are healing to the body and mind. Happiness prevents depression, sadness, outbursts of anger, envy, jealousy, and strife. When we operate from a place of happiness, it makes us more forgiving and accepting of other people’s flaws. Also, we love, respect, and show kindness and compassion to others. Happiness fuels our passion and love for life. It energizes us to get out of bed each morning to do the things that will create joy and well-being in our lives.

Happiness increases longevity and makes us look younger and longer. Our bodies function better when we are happy.  A calm and peaceful state optimizes digestion, hence our bodies receive the nourishment it needs from the foods we eat. When we are happy, it helps our parasympathetic nervous system to perform better. The functions of the parasympathetic nervous system are monitoring and effectively maintaining our heart rate, blood pressure, weight control, and hormone regulation, and allowing us to have that deep REM sleep the body needs for healing and repair.

Pursuing Happiness

Happiness is like a well springing from deep inside the ground, flowing outward and providing a continual stream of water. Happiness is invigorating and exuberant. Since we are in control of our happiness, we must work hard at creating and maintaining it. To do this, we must begin by taking the time to discover our gifts, talents, and passions and actively pursue them. For some, it will mean letting go of bad habits, parting ways with some close ties, or even breaking off toxic long-term relationships. Since we can only realize happiness when we are at total peace, these steps are necessary. This will be a period of enlightenment as we become reacquainted with our innate selves. Many of us have been living the dreams of our parents, teachers, spouses, and even friends. Often, we lose ourselves because of the unrealistic demands that they place on us. They also impose their values, forcing us into conformity. For years, we carry the burden and stress of pleasing them at the cost of our self-worth. It’s time to break free from all those negative dynamics by reclaiming and charting the course of your life. Keep moving in the direction where your heart is leading, because this is where your happiness begins.

Tips for Maintaining Happiness

Practice thinking healthy, wholesome, and positive thoughts throughout each day. Resist the urge to dwell on negativity that will not only depress you, but others, too. Do not give negative thoughts any room because you will be stuck with them. However, if you find those thoughts becoming overpowering, I recommend reaching out to others such as family, trusted friends, or a trained counsellor for help. Banish doom and gloom, and learn to see the positive in everything. Everyone feels down sometimes and it’s normal. However, do not allow it to prolong. Instead, shift the mood by going for a walk, connecting with the people in your life, visiting the mall nearest to you, or getting out and treating yourself to an enjoyable meal. Avoid negative and critical people because it will only be a matter of time before you adopt their ways, which will be to your detriment. Happy people love being around others. As a result, they enjoy spending time with family and friends and socializing with others. Therefore, surround yourself with a group of cheerful people from whom you can draw strength and inspiration during your downtime.  Remember, you are responsible for your happiness; therefore, do not expect anyone to do everything for you. Cheerful people attract those who are like-minded.

One of my Greatest Happy Moments

I have experienced periods of great happiness in my life despite some very traumatic events. However, I want to share one that has shaped the person I am today. The happiest moment of my life was when I graduated from college. It was a very special day for me because I dared to venture into a place where no other family member had gone. My college life was hard in every way and often I came close to quitting, but I kept persevering. I was overjoyed because I had triumphed, and the victory was sweet. My friends were there to celebrate with me and cheer me on. I could hear their resounding applause as I went forward to collect my degree. My college degree meant everything to me – freedom from financial constraints, independence, and the accomplishing of my other dreams. I had a job waiting for me as well and I was so happy nothing could have gotten me down. It was a jubilant day for me, and the memory is still vivid in my mind.

God created us to be free, and He wants us to be happy and filled with joy (John 15:11). Being happy is to be free from all the limitations that others have placed on us. I encourage you to reclaim your lives from those who have stolen them! Stand up and fight back to reconnect with your true self, as this is where happiness begins. Cheers to the true and happy you!

Do you have any happy moments in your life that you would like to share with our readers? I would love to hear them! Looking forward to reading yours!

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