Heart Plus Hands https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html <strong>THE GOOD AND BAD OF IMMIGRATION</strong> Blog Home MailPoet Page TShirt with decoration – uplifting message to create awareness and instill courage T-shirts with empowering message to create awareness and self love Preparing for Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Victory in the Ultimate Days <strong>WHAT IS THAT TO YOU? FOLLOW ME</strong> TShirt with decoration – uplifting message to create awareness about self-care TShirt with decoration – uplifting message to create awareness about self-care IMPRISONED? GOD CAN BUST LOCKS AND CHAINS MINISTERING TO OTHERS WITH HUMILITY SHIFTING THINGS AROUND CAN UNCOVER NEW THINGS HAVE YOU LOST SIGHT OF YOUR PRIORITIES? FILLING IN THE SPACES IN OUR LIVES ADDING FAITH TO YOUR PRAYERS GOD WILL SEND HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE <strong>IT IS BETTER TO DEFEND OTHERS THAN TO DEFRIEND THEM</strong> ARE YOU TIRED OF GETTING YOUR CHEEKS SLAPPED? THE FAMILIAR THINGS OF THE PAST A MOTHER’S LOVE AND DEVOTION GET HELP NOW WITH MENTAL HEALTH ILLNESS WHEN LIFE THROWS BLOWS – FIGHT BACK THERE IS HEALING IN THE POWER OF A TOUCH PROCRASTINATION – delaying your life WHERE ARE THE GOOD MEN? TShirt with decoration and uplifting message to create awareness and self love FIGHTING BATTLES CAN BE DAUNTING <strong>RELYING ON ALLIES WHEN IN TROUBLE</strong> PARASITES: THE INSIDIOUS ENEMY. DO YOU HAVE THEM? LET MY PEOPLE GO COMFORTING OTHERS IN TIMES OF TROUBLE Guarding your mind protects you from depression MONEY, SAVE OR SPEND- YOUR CHOICE ALL OUT WAR II – SPIRITUAL WARFARE MY FATHER- THE HERO OF THE FAMILY KEEP THE DOORS OF YOUR LIPS <strong>ARE YOUR LIMITING  BELIEFS BLURRING YOUR VISION OF THE FUTURE?</strong> CALL ON ME – I am always here A JOYFUL HEART LOVES OTHERS A HEARTFELT APPRECIATION TO MY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS AND READERS A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD & TEACH THEM Persevering faith in the face of adverse trials <strong>WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE FOR A BETTER YOU?</strong> Obesity – Do you really need to take that next bite? Secure attachment is necessary for developing emotionally secure children <strong>SELF-ABANDONMENT – ARE YOU GUILTY?</strong> JESUS THE GOOD SAMARITAN and HEALER OF ALL HURTS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CREATION  MIRACLE?  TRY GOD TOO LITTLE INFORMATION MAKES US INSENSITIVE