About me

Birds flying on the beach

Hello Everyone,

My name is Diana and I am no stranger to mental health.  I too struggled with mental health issues for a considerable part of my life.  As a child,  I was often depressed and moody and this continued into adulthood.  At first, I had no idea what was happening to me.  I did not have any information available nor did I know where to go for help. Therefore I repressed my emotions and became a sugar addict.  I ate everything from candy, cakes, pies, ice cream, and other sweet treats to numb the pain I often felt at times.  This went on for many years until I had a conversation with a friend who told me she was in therapy. She was smart, beautiful and always looked very happy.  I asked her the reason for this and she said she had issues from her childhood and family life that needed to be addressed.  She also suggested that I too see a counselor.  At first I thought of it as a joke and I laughed it off.  However, after giving it some thought I decided to call the counselor and schedule an appointment. I remember my first appointment like it was yesterday.  I told the counselor that nothing was wrong with me and that my friend suggested I should see her and that I am doing it to please her.  She questioned me about myself and I started crying and she kept handing me the tissue.  This continued for about three sessions when I was finally able to talk and this was the turning point. Since then I have seen other counselors with whom I  have worked on different issues. Also, I earned a degree in Psychology last year and it was very cathartic for me and now I am in a happier place!

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