What is acceptance

What does it really mean to accept someone? The world is imperfect, hence no one is blameless. These flaws drive us to be insensitive, impatient, and disrespectful of others who we do not perceive as measuring up. Therefore, we become angry, judge, criticize and alienate those who we presume are imperfect. Those who think they are perfect often give others the silent rebuke. Often, they scoff at those who swear, drink, smoke, and are immoral. Family members, friends and church brethren usually suffer from these harsh rebukes.

Jesus came to call the sinners, not the righteous. (Luke 5:32). Hence, he mingled expressing love and empathy. Christians would be more effective witnesses if they adopt this principle. We must strive to love and accept others the way Jesus did. Often, it’s the life we live that will have more impact on them. Even if they never change, it is between them and God. People everywhere are struggling with guilt and shame. Many want to change, however, they lack the will to do so. When we ignore or give them accusatory glances, it plunges them further into the habit.

We must not become a stumbling block in others’ lives. (Romans 14:13-23). When we are critical of them, they become depressed and succumb to feelings of despair, hopelessness, and worthlessness. They will point the finger at us while labelling us as hypocrites. It is unnecessary to sit with them while they are smoking or doing drugs. However, we must give them the respect and human dignity they deserve.

We are our brother’s keepers. (Romans 15:1). We owe them the debt of our prayers. Stop judging and manipulating them into feeling bad about their choices. Let God be their judge! Peter was a swearer and was even after Christ called him. (Matthew 26:74-75). It is very difficult to overcome bad habits, especially when they have been a part of your life. We cannot expect people to overcome 20, 30, 40 or 50 years of bad habits in a day or even a year. They need our patience while we give them grace. They need to overcome these habits. Therefore, we must stop pointing when they slip or fall. We all have faults, criticizing, gossiping, controlling, pride, blaming, and faultfinding.

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