We are standing on the edge of a brand-New Year 2023!  For many of us, our lives have been at a standstill for years. How do we pull ourselves up from where we are to live out our best life instead of just getting through the next year? It takes the ultimate sacrifice; something that is uncomfortable but necessary. What are you willing to sacrifice this year so that you can live a happier and healthier life in 2023? Each year we make resolutions that we are not resolute to keep and are often abandoned before it starts. What sacrifice did you make for yourself in 2022? Mine was seven weeks off from work and school.  I was under a lot of stress and completely exhausted and health issues didn’t make it easier.  I needed to be present for me. I followed one of my passions and reconnected with myself, my friends, and my family, and also spent more time with God. During this time amazing things happened, my mind was calmer and relaxed and I felt a peace that I have not experienced in years. It felt like a spiritual rebirth and I want my life to be like this every day of my life.  There were no calendars, or deadlines my life came to a complete halt and I spent each day in a meaningful way just doing the things I wanted to do for me.  It was a bold move and I couldn’t afford it but then I couldn’t afford to.

God made us for His pleasure (Revelations 4:11), and He doesn’t want us to stress out ourselves with this world’s expectations of us instead of following our heart, using the talent and gifts He bequeathed to us, and doing what we think is best for us.  Whatever you are struggling with or think you must have it is not worth sacrificing your health and well-being for any material gain.  What shall it profit a man if he gains the world…( Mark 8:36-38). Start honoring yourself by doing more of those things that improve your health and well-being, reverse those lifestyle diseases or genetic diseases handed down to you from your parents and fore-parents. Strive to become a better human being; mentally, spiritually, socially, and emotionally. Let us make ourselves proud in 2023 by spreading deep joy, light, peace, and exuberance wherever we go and to whomever, we meet. Let’s determine to have a solid sacrificial year for ourselves.

When we honor ourselves by taking care of our bodies which are the temple of the Holy Spirit, God honors us. It was amazing how God took great care of me and I had no lack. It was a joyous time for me. I experienced healing on a physical, mental and spiritual level. God wants to give us His best, however, He wants us to do an inventory of our lives and see how we have been using the time He gave us and see what we have reaped from the many bad investments we have made; financial, emotional, and physical.  Start by making simple changes that will enable you to have a calmer life, by being kind to yourself and keeping well! Have an exhilarating New Year!

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